Aug 21·edited Aug 21Liked by Mason Mohon

You beat me to the punch with this one, but honestly you probably wrote it better than I would have.

Land is best in irony, and he demonstrates it really well throughout The Dark Enlightenment. The book is an excellent read if you have any friends on the "fashy" side of the D.R, as it both acknowledges the fundamental truths behind the "White-Nationalist" narrative of race while demonstrating its complete lack of political viability, (Molbug also does this).

For me the best part is the ending, (which I noticed you didn't discuss here), because it also demonstrates how little race could potentially matter in soon-to-arrive future where those with wealth actively modify either themselves of their children's genetic code. In fact, I think that in honestly the last sentence is the reason why he wrote the entire rest of the book/essay. While Land references science fiction, this is a legitimate concern within the next two decades and it does highlight that, while race matters in many key ways, in the grand scheme perhaps there is a bigger picture..

Again, really well done essay, curious to hear your thoughts on Land's predictions of a "bionic horizon".

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Thanks for the kind words Grug! I will look into bionic horizon - I’m circling back around to Land after a couple years of other interests, and I plan to do a part 2 for this to cover the 4a,b etc.

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